Sunday, September 16, 2007

琥珀 (AMBER)

我昨日到常去到水晶店选购水晶手镯给妈妈当生日礼物,一看到这串琥珀宝石时,简直是欲罢不能,其價格也很高,结果。。买了这个来自中欧波兰POLAND,出产琥珀品質最好,已有几千万年的寿命,顶级黄金色琥珀 !

特質--形成的原因是是一種普遍生長於二千萬至六千萬年前的新生代第三紀的松樹 Pinus Succinifera 的樹脂,流下至地面時凝聚成塊,經過壓力和熱力變質而形成。產生金黃色或酒黃色透明狀,內部有天然氣泡或其他礦物質等雜物, 有時甚至會有昆蟲的身軀排泄物.
蜜臘就是琥珀,只是他型成顏色與呈半透明的琥珀不同 ,因含琥珀酸較高所以不透明,所以商人們就叫它蜜臘, 所以真的蜜臘的功能與琥珀一樣 ,密蠟戴久了因人體溫的關係,琥珀酸減少會慢慢變成透明的琥珀。

金黃色的 琥珀在中醫理論裡一直有安神定氣的功用,且可殺菌消毒及避免傳染病,所以也會被作成香環或香來使用,也有人磨成粉末拿來止鼻血,火傷或挫傷,改善神經痛及關節炎等,但據說最有效的是在於預防喉嚨方面以及其他呼吸器官的疾病,所以常作成墬子掛在喉輪附近,另外對腸胃的不適也有舒緩作用,甚至可促進肝,腎細胞的活化,另外也有古人用來當作孕婦順利生產的護身符心理作用:由於琥珀形成的原因與過程,被人們認為具有來自大地之母的安定力量,因此也有可調和男女,陰陽的功用,讓人們在思考時有更敏銳的感受,可避邪化煞,西方古時候把他拿來當作除魔驅邪的道具,握住時溫熱的觸感象徵某種能量的釋放 .

同時它也是佛教七寶之ㄧ, 在中世紀的歐洲,琥珀也被作成基督教的玫瑰念珠加以珍重。

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me 2007

Thanks to all my friends who sent me lovely gifts, & Twin-Cake this Year ! How nice !
ruined my diet anyway, but I dont care.. ahaha.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Two Elements of Effective Prayer

Two Elements of Effective Prayer
By Thich Nhat Hanh

Effective prayer is made up of many elements, but there are two that seem the most important. The first is to establish a relationship between ourselves and the one we are praying to. It is the equivalent of connecting the electrical wire when we want to communicate by telephone.

The one who prays and the one prayed to are two realities that cannot be separated from each other. This is basic in Buddhism, and I’m quite sure that in every religion there are those who have practiced for a long time and have this understanding. They can see that God is in our heart. God is us and we are God. The entire visualization gatha goes like this:

The one who bows and the one who is bowed toare both, by nature, empty.Therefore the communication between usis inexpressibly perfect.

The first element of an effective method of prayer is the communication between ourselves and the one we are praying to. Because we and the one we are praying to are interconnected, our communication is not dependent on time or space. When we meditate on this, communication is realized straight away and we are linked. At that point, there is electricity in the wire.

We know that when a television station sends its signal up to the telecommunications satellite and it is beamed back down to our television set, a certain amount of time is necessary for the waves to be transmitted through space. But the communication of prayer lies completely outside of space and time. We don’t need a satellite. We do not have to wait one or two days for there to be a result; the result is instant.

When you make instant coffee, although you call it “instant,” you have to boil the water, you need time to make your coffee. Only then can you drink the coffee. But in prayer, we do not need to wait any time at all, even an instant.The second element we need for prayer is energy. We have connected the telephone wire, now we need to send an electric current through it.

In prayer, the electric current is love, mindfulness and right concentration. Mindfulness is the real presence of our body and our mind. Our body and our mind are directed toward one point, the present moment. If this is lacking, we are not able to pray, no matter what our faith. If you are not present, who is praying?

To pray effectively, our body and mind must dwell peacefully in the present moment. When you have mindfulness, then you have concentration. This is the condition that will lead to prajña, the Sanskrit word for insight and transcendent wisdom. Without that, our prayer is just superstition.

Excerpt from The Energy of Prayer: How to Deepen Your Spiritual Practice by Thich Nhat Hanh (2006, Parallax Press, Reprinted with permission of the publisher.

Dealing with Anger and Making Progress

An inmate in federal prison, B. F. is one of the few people allowed to pursue higher education. He wrote this to me recently... Ven. Chodron

A few days ago, I was in my business management class, getting ready to take the final exam, when the woman next to me pointed out another person sitting in front of us, and said, "During the mid-term a few weeks ago, I saw her cheating, using some notes she had. That makes me so mad! Does it make you as mad as it makes me?"

"That's on her," I replied. "If I let every person sitting in the classroom 'make me mad,' I wouldn't have any time to learn anything. She's just cheating herself anyway." I paused and then continued, "After twelve years of being incarcerated, very little actually makes me really mad. I try not to give other people the power to make me mad. I'm the one who makes myself mad when I give someone else that power."

There was much more to the discussion, but I tried to point out, "Don't let things that other people do make you angry, especially if they aren't directed at you or don't an influence on your life. Yeah, the other girl cheated. So? Karma takes all into account, so the other person was creating the cause for her own unpleasant results."

The point of this story? I realized how much I've changed due to the Dharma.

by B.F.


Friday, September 07, 2007


这是什麽世界啊 ?今天在公司,无辜的被上司责备,一向都以正义见称的我顿时无处适从。。


向上司旬问,她竟说我做事太计较了,都是同事,能帮就帮?! 还作出一副很不认同我的样子和一些废话,什麽话嘛?等到出乱子的时侯,她还会这样说吗?“ 你是如此大胆,在别人的系统胡搞” - 数月后,这是她即将会对我说的话,她肯定不会记得,这是她的杰作 !

我向上司分析事情的严重性,她就急呼哪位’祸手‘上来,温和的问她为何这麽安排,该’祸手“确说,“我忙不过来” ,上司立刻色变,给了我门很无理头的答案,(你门两个都忙,我最有空,给我,我做好了!)无法相信这句话是出自一位一人之下,万人之上的董事的口中啊 !~

不欢而散了,但问题没解决啊,太不专业了 !



8.9.07 心情 : 我气消了,不可以让眼前的事物引响情绪才是。


Monday, September 03, 2007


一向对偶像疯狂的我,很高兴获得了SHAYNE WARD 英国歌迷会的肯定 :


肖恩最疯狂粉丝奖 - VINCENT ( 三度蝉联 )

肖恩最随和粉丝奖 - VINCENT ( 首度获奖 )

供献最大粉丝奖 - VINCENT ( 入围 )

最得意有趣粉丝奖 - VINCENT ( 入围 )

Sunday, September 02, 2007






