Friday, September 26, 2008

Over Spent

Sept is my birthday month, I ve decided to buy a new watch to pamper myself, saw 2 Casio watch that I really love & can’t make up my mind which one to buy, so … I bought both ! I know I know it’s really unnecessary but I just can’t resist it cause the sales man gave me a really really good discount, hehe… my bad..

I m broke, & I deserved it.


Tau Sar Phneah said...'re just like me...i love watch currently wearing casio too..

i dun think it's unnecessary, think it as an investment..thats wht my dad told im hooked to watch since that...he told me he gonna inherit his collection to me one day...hehe :P

Tau Sar Phneah said...

btw, HAPPY BDAY!!!!!

should let me know, so i could grab shane for

yam9972 said...

Hey TSP, thanks for your kind words, i felt less guity now, hahaha....

Shayne is currently in Malaysia & I will be seeing him tonight !! OMG ! I m sooo excited !

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to u. wow nice watch. I prefered the right side one. cos the design is a bit "special" ...

K3ViN said...

wah nice watch... i wan also

yam9972 said...

can, ask gf to buy for u lor.